شعر فرج العربي
ترجمة ابراهيم النجمي

في طريق (الشط ) الممتد كثعبانٍ يتربصُ بالمدينة
ينتشرون خلف متاريس تشبه بيوت النمل
يهربون هلعاً اليها عند سقوط رداء المغيب
وكنتُ لا ألتفتُ إلى صراخهم
On the beach road that extends like a snake lurking in the city
They spread behind barricades look like ant houses
They flee to them in fright when the robe of sunset drops
And I was not caring about their screams
Pe drumul de plajă care se întinde ca un șarpe care pândește în oraș
S-au răspândit în spatele baricadelor arată ca niște case de furnici
Ei fug spre ei speriați când haina apusului cade
Și nu-mi păsa de țipetele lor
. هم يدركون بأنهم قُطّاع طُرق
يسرقون الصحراءَ من رمالها
ويديرون ظهورهم للبحر
They are realizing that they are bandits
steal the desert from its sands
And turn their backs to the sea
Își dau seama că sunt bandiți
fură deșertul din nisipurile lui
Și întorc spatele la mare
. حملوا السنوات العجاف على أكتافهم
حتى انحنت ظهورهم من كثرة الانتظار
They have carried the lean years on their shoulders
Until their backs bent over for the much bending
Au purtat anii slabi pe umerii lor
Până când spatele lor s-a aplecat pentru multă aplecare
الشاحناتُ التي حملتهم الي غَدِهم
انفجرتْ عند أول منعطف
The trucks that carried them to their tomorrow
are exploded at first turn without warning
Camioanele care i-au dus la ziua de mâine
sunt explodate la prima viraj fără avertisment
.المغتصبون لا أخلاق لهم سوى الرغبة
جاءوا من جبال مجاورة وصحاري لا تنّبت سواهم
المساءُ هبط بجوارهم ، ولم يتعرّف على ملامحهم حين تلّونت
وجوههم بقسوة الانتصار
The rapists have no morals but desire
They came from nearby mountains and deserts that don’t grow other than them
The evening fell beside them and did not recognize their features
when their faces became painted with the cruelty of victory
Violatorii nu au morală decât dorință
Au venit din munți din apropiere și deșerturi care nu cresc altfel decât ei
Seara a căzut alături de ei și nu le-a recunoscut trăsăturile
când chipurile lor s-au pictat cu cruzimea victoriei
. كنتُ أتمشى مع امرأتي على رصيف الميناء
نشاكسُ موجةً غاضبة والعجوزَ بائعة الألعاب
. تأخذنا أشرعة السفن البعيدة ، الي مرافئ
ﻻ ندري متى سنصل اليها
I was walking with my wife on the quayside
quarreling with an angry wave and an old woman games seller
The sails of distant ships take us into ports
we do not know when we will get to
Mă plimbam cu soția mea pe chei
cearta cu un val furios și o bătrână vânzătoare de jocuri
Pânzele unor nave îndepărtate ne duc în porturi
nu știm când vom ajunge
. تحدثتُ معها حول جنون العشق
وكالعادة لم نصل الي نتيجةِ واضحة
أخبرتها عن سكان ليبيا الأصليين الذين أستبّد بهم العشق
فسقطوا صرعى في جنونٍ طويل
I talked to her about the love madness
And as usual, we did not reach a clear result
I told her about the inhabitants of the original Libyans
whom the love dominated upon them
then they fell dead in a long madness
Am vorbit cu ea despre nebunia amoroasă
Și, ca de obicei, nu am ajuns la un rezultat clar
I-am spus despre locuitorii libienilor originari
pe care dragostea i-a dominat
apoi au căzut morți într-o lungă nebunie
أخبرتني عن سكانٍ جاءوا من منافي باردة
أنقضّوا على غنيمةٍ سمّوها البلاد دون أن يلتفتوا ، الى جراح
الأمهات الثكالى اللواتي فقدن حتى رغبتهن في البكاء
She told me about residents who came from cold exiles
They pounced on booty and named it the country
without turning to the wounds of bereaved
who lost even their desire for crying
Ea mi-a povestit despre rezidenții veniti din exiluri reci
S-au aruncat asupra unei pradă numită țara
fără să se îndrepte spre rănile celor îndoliați
care și-au pierdut până și dorința de a plânge
الربيعُ العجوز وقف مذهولا أمام دموع هطلت دما في الوديان
ودخان متصاعد من حدائقنا وبيوتنا وهي تحترق من الوجع
وجوهنا تلطّخت بالسواد
صرنا نخبئ فزعاً مواربا ونخاف أن يُسرق الحلم من عيوننا والنهار
يأخذنا الي ريبةِ نفق طويل
مع ذلك هناك طريق وحيد يقود إلينا
The old spring stood dumbfounded
In front of tears fell blood in the valleys
And smoke rising from our gardens and
our homes burning from the pain
Our faces became stained with the blackness
We became hiding in vain fear
afraid that the dream will be stolen from our eyes
and the day takes us to the suspicion of a long tunnel
nevertheless, there is only one way that leads to us
Izvorul vechi a rămas uluit
În faţa lacrimilor a căzut sânge în văi
Și fum care se ridică din grădinile noastre și
casele noastre arzând de durere
Fețele noastre s-au pătat de întuneric
Ne-am ascuns în zadarnic frică
de teamă că visul ne va fi furat din ochi
iar ziua ne duce la suspiciunea unui tunel lung
cu toate acestea, există o singură cale care duce la noi
بائعُ يانصيب
أعبرُ الطريقَ دون أن يسألني أحد
لماذا أحملُ الحطبَ طوالَ هذه المسافة ؟
ولمن أشعلُ النارَ في النفقِ المظلم ؟
كنتُ أعيدُ ترتيبَ خطواتي
حتى يظنني المارة بأنني بائع يانصيب
I cross the road without anyone asking me
Why do I carry firewood all this way?
And to whom I am setting the fire in the dark tunnel?
I was rearranging my steps
so that the passers-by think that I’m a lottery seller
أبيعُ الحظَ لمن يحب أن يشتريه
كثيرون قابلتهم , أضاعوا فرصا ثمينة وندّبوا _ بعد فوات الأوان _
حظّهم عصاة ٲبي
أشعلت نارا بجوار كوخ في آخر النفق
تركتها تنتشر كي ٲنعم بحبك
اقمت جسورا كي أراك من خلفها وانت تسترخين بهدوء
واركض إليك
I am selling the luck to whoever likes to buy
Many I have met, missed valuable opportunities
and mourned – after it was too late – their luck was my father’s disobedient
I made a fire next to a hut at the end of the tunnel
and left it spread to enjoy your love
I built bridges to see you from behind them as
you are relaxing in peace and run to you
بدونك لا بيت لي
البيتُ بدونكِ لا أبواب له ولا نوافذ
يهرب الهواء منه ولا تلفحهُ الشمس
بدونكِ ، الطمأنينةُ بعيدةٌ .. والوهجُ خافت
The house without you has no doors
and no windows
The air escapes from it
and the sun does not burn it
Without you, the tranquility is far away
and the glow is dim
Casa fără tine nu are uși
si fara ferestre
Aerul scapă din el
iar soarele nu-l arde
Fără tine liniștea este departe
iar strălucirea este slabă
بدونِ إطلالتكِ ، البيت ترتع الأرواح فيه ، وأصير شبحا
شجرة الخوخ التي نحبها تغادر تربتها
والحديقةُ لا تنبت الأعشاب
العزلةُ تجلس على مقعدٍ في الصالةِ و تنظرُ باستغرابٍ
إلي وجهي فيما الملم قلقي
واهربُ اليك ، دون أن أنظرَ إلي وجهِ البيت
Without your look, the spirits live in the house
and I become a ghost
The plum we love leaves its soil
The garden does not grow weeds
The solitude sits on a bench in the hall and
look at my face in amazement
while I am gathering my anxiety and I flee to you
Without looking at the face of the house
Fără aspectul tău, spiritele trăiesc în casă
și devin o fantomă
Pruna pe care o iubim își părăsește solul
Grădina nu crește buruieni
Singurătatea stă pe o bancă în hol și
uită-te la fața mea cu uimire
în timp ce îmi adun neliniștea și fug la tine
Fără să se uite la fața casei
كذبة كأرواحنا
All of us are getting ready to travel
The books that taught us knowledge
The houses that hosted us
We spread in their corners
The nights we spent
And we did our secrets in its darkness
Toți ne pregătim de călătorie
Cărțile care ne-au învățat cunoașterea
Casele care ne-au găzduit
Ne răspândim în colțurile lor
Nopțile pe care le-am petrecut
Și ne-am făcut secretele în întunericul lui
جميعنا يتأهب للسفر
الكتب التي علمتنا المعرفة
البيوت التي استضافتنا
وانتشرنا في أركانها
الليالي التي سخّرناها
وفعلنا في ظلمتها أسرارنا
The days that woke up and did not find us
We scattered from their udder
As if we are bitter milk
our voices rose, came from many directions
From bald mountains that crowned with boredom
From bushes that burned when we crossed them
Zilele care s-au trezit și nu ne-au găsit
Ne-am împrăștiat din ugerul lor
De parcă am fi lapte amar
vocile noastre se ridicau, veneau din mai multe direcții
Din munți cheli care au încununat de plictiseală
Din tufișuri care ardeau când le traversam
النهارات التي أفاقت ولم تجدْنا
تبددنا من ضرعها
كما لو أننا لبنٌ مرّ
أصواتنا تعالت
جاءت من جهات عديدة
من الجبال الصلعاء المتوجَّةِ بالضجر
من أحراش اشتعلت حين عبرناهَا
Our voices became mixed
with the screams of the sellers of boiled talk
and the fun of the blind drunkard
Those bearded who cross the roads with their colors
fall from their clothes on the asphalt
The evening that we loved hardily was stalking us
where we were putting off the slipped away road
of our illusions
Vocile noastre s-au amestecat
cu țipetele vânzătorilor de vorbă fiartă
și distracția bețivului orb
Cei cu barbă care traversează drumurile ca culorile lor
cad din haine pe asfalt
Seara pe care am iubit-o cu greu ne urmărea
unde am amânat drumul alunecat
a iluziilor noastre
أصواتنا اختلطتْ
بصراخ باعة الكلام المسلوق
ومداعبات السكارى العميان
أولئك الملتحين
الذين يقطعون الطرقات فيما ألوانهم
تسقط من ملابسهم غزيرة على الإسفلت
المساء الذي أحببناه بصعوبة
كان يترصدنا
حيث كنا نؤجل الطريق المنفلت من أوهامنا ٠٠
and we cross where the pillows on which
our desires run
The windows that we opened
The air we thought was open
The doors we came out from as we are saying
“Good night”
We were thinking that the trains will wait
at least until we get ready
si traversam pe unde pernele pe care
dorințele noastre aleargă
Ferestrele pe care le-am deschis
Aerul pe care l-am crezut deschis
Ușile din care am ieșit așa cum spunem
“Noapte bună”
Ne gândeam că trenurile vor aștepta
cel putin pana ne pregatim
حيث الوسائد التي سالت عليها رغباتنا
النوافذ التي اشرعناها
لهواء اعتقدناه طلقا
الأبواب التي خرجنا منها
ونحن نقول
تصبحون على خير
كنا نظن
أن القطارات ستنتظر
ريثما نستعد على الأقل
We thought of a trick
to believe for example that our souls are with us
We were thinking
that we may shut tightly the doors
and our colors do not look like the heat
Our roads spread in them the damage
We thought
Suspicion is an accusation or belief
We were thinking that the thoughts are
an accusation or belief
we mistrusted so much and
the suspicions are a lie like our souls
Ne-am gândit la un truc
să credem de exemplu că sufletele noastre sunt cu noi
Ne gandeam
ca să putem închide ermetic ușile
iar culorile noastre nu seamănă cu căldura
Drumurile noastre au răspândit în ele pagubele
Ne-am gandit
Suspiciunea este o acuzație sau o convingere
Ne gândeam că gândurile sunt
o acuzație sau o credință
ne-am încrezut atât de mult şi
suspiciunile sunt o minciună ca sufletele noastre
فكرنا باللجوء إلي حيلة
أن نعتقد مثلا
أن أرواحنا معنا
كنا نظن
أن الأبواب يمكن أن نحكم إغلاقها
وألواننا لا تشبه القيظ
طرقاتنا يتفشى في عروقها العطب
كنا نظن
أن الظنون تهمة او اعتقاد
لقد أسأنا الظن كثيرا
والظنون كذبة مثل أرواحنا
فرج العربي اعر عربي ليبي
مواليد الجبل الأخضر( البيضاء) ليبيا 16/11/1961
حصل علي ليسانس اداب فلسفة 1984 جامعة بنغازي
اشتغل بالتعليم والصحافة والسلك الدبلوماسي
شارك في عدة مهرجانات أدبية وشعرية في القاهرة وعمان ودمشق وغيرها من العواصم العربية كما شارك فى عدة مهرجانات في تركيا ومهرجان سيت بفرنسا
ترجمت أشعاره الي التركية والكردية والفرنسية والإنجليزية
.نشرت كتاباته فى عدة مطبوعات ليبية وعربية ومواقع الكترونية
صدر له : – بدايات- شعر/ الدار الجماهيرية 1994. – الوقت دفعة واحدة- شعر/ الدار الجماهيرية 1998. – كذبة مثل أرواحنا- شعر/ مجلس الثقافة العام 2006. _البياتي في بيت الشعر .كتاب مع أخرين .. انا وعطرها مجموعة شعرية صمت اللغة فضاء الشعر.. قراءات ودراسات في الشعرالعربي .. ومخطوطات أخرى في السيرة والسفر
Faraj al-Arabi, a Libyan poet
Born in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar (Al-Bayda), Libya 11/16/1961
He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy in 1984 from the University of Benghazi
He worked in education, journalism, and the diplomatic corps
He participated in several international festivals and his poems were translated into Turkish, Kurdish, French, and English
Published: – Beginnings – Poetry / 1994.
Time at once – Poetry/1998.
A lie like our souls – Poetry/ 2006.
_ Al-Bayati in the House of Poetry, “A Book with Others.”
Me and her perfume, hair
“The Silence of Language, the Space of Poetry”…Readings and Studies in Arabic Poetry and Other Manuscripts in Biography and Travel